Walkabout takes a gamble on homogeneity rather than on contrast. The consistency of Pulse is pur­sued here, though in a more poetic manner, not so »brut« and by not even having a »soundy« or free improvised piece in it. It´s a sort of test if the mono­chrome bears up or breaks down. »Excursions« like Sakura Sakura and Un di soletto get »subur­banized«, that is they blaze points of reference but don´t stick out.

Sakura Sakura: is a Japanese folk song. Sakura, cherry blossoms rank high in Japan: as Haiku poet Kobayashi Issa knew so well that he featured them in hundreds of his Haikus:

evening cherry blossoms -
people listening
to heavenly music

the war lord
forced off his horse...
cherry blossoms

Two Japanese scales are employed here.

Walkabout: is dedicated to the comic-strip artist and illustrator Hendrik Dorgathen who also designed the cd-cover.
His works provoke walkabouts*, again and again; to observe certain aspects in changing light.
Walkabout deals in general with the wandering back and forth between visual motifs; and with the pos­sibility - envied by me and always connected to the wandering eye - to be able to listen all the time, like taking food, sometimes along the way.

Sigismondo d´India is an Italian composer from the 16/17th century and Un di soletto a little gem, a delightful melody worth sticking to.

*walkabout is also the name for the annual exhibition of the Kunst­hochschule Kassel, 2007 organized by Hendrik; with performances, concerts etc., where an astounding, creative potential treated you to the above described repetition of the walkabout.

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